Here are just a few photos that capture the great time we have on the range. Come see us next time.
Instructor teaches student on range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigHow to shoot a pistol instruction on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigHow to use a red dot instruction on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigFemale shoots a CZ Scorpion on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigFemale shoots a lever action rifle on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigInstructor teaches how to shoot a pistol on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigSenior Citizen women shoots gun for first time in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigFemale shoot a 38 Special on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigInstructor teaches how to shoot a pistol in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigFemale shoots a Ruger Security in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigShooting pistols on the range in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.DreamsbigFemale shoots a AR style shotgun in Colorado Springs Photo Credit IG Amy.Dreamsbig