Small, Compact, Versatile, Easy
Small double action revolvers are versatile, compact, and easy to maintain. Additionally, these little guys like the Smith and Wesson Airweight 38 Special are easy to shoot. With very little training, someone could pick one of these up and defend themselves at close range without an issue arising from too little or too much grip; too little finger or too much finger on the trigger; or, imperfect sight picture and imperfect sight alignment.

There are some draw backs, however. Those with small wrists may not want to train with these little guys due to their “snappy” recoil. Because of that, the individual that wields something of the nature may not be as prepared as someone who trains regularly with their pistol. That said, the mere production of a firearm, more times than not, sends an attacker leaving the scene before anything happens.

Inside The Waist Band No Holster
The range of a small double action pistol is significantly less than your typical semi-auto. However, most engagements happen within 1-3 yards (3-9 feet) which these handheld powerhouses are more than capable.

Pocket Carry Without a Holster
Trigger Pull
The trigger on double action revolvers make it a safe and reliable choice for self defense. The trigger pull is usually very long to get the calendar to fully rotate and the hammer to cock where the sear will release it. The poundage of these pulls can be anywhere between 5 – 10lbs making the firearm super safe in a pocket, purse, holster, or bag. Because of their long heavy trigger pull, an external safety isn’t required making it a true point and shoot firearm.

Ultimately, the choice is yours for what, or if you carry. For those who don’t have time or money to learn all they can about shooting, various platforms, self defense, or anything of the nature, a small double action only (DAO) revolver may be the choice for you.
Dave, Triple A Coach, Owner